We believe, teach, and confess...

  • that the Bible is the inspired, inerrant, infallible Word of God
  • that God is triune; three separate, divine persons yet one Being
  • that the world was created in six, 24 hour days
  • that marriage began in the Garden of Eden and that it isa lifetime union between a man and a woman
  • that children are a gift from God; hence abortion is sinful
  • that the miracles spoken about in Scripture are true
  • that the purpose of the Old Testament was to testify to the life, death, resurrection and second coming of Jesus Christ
  • that Jesus Christ was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, lived a perfect life, suffered, died and rose again for our salvation
  • that Jesus instituted baptism for the remission of sins
  • that Jesus instituted Holy Communion for the Church; giving us His actual Body and Blood; the forgiveness of sins purchased at the cross
  • that Jesus, along with the Father, gives us the Holy Spirit through Holy Baptism, the Bible and the Sacrament of the Altar
  • that when Jesus Christ comes again He will first take all believers  to Heaven, followed by the judgment of unbelievers who will be sent to Hell
  • that we cannot by our own reasoning or strength come to Christ but that He comes to us through Baptism and the Word of God

For more on what we believe see the Book of Concord