The True Meaning of Christmas

The new church year has begun! You can always tell because stores are crammed with Santas, red and green ribbon, and flashing, artificial Christmas trees. There’s nothing like preparing for the “true meaning of Christmas” in the Advent season with visions of commercialism dancing in our heads. 
(In case you missed it, that’s sarcasm….) 

Advent has lost its meaning in our country. Instead of using it as a time to contemplate our spiritual weakness and to look for the coming of the Savior, we fill it with “what to buy for whom” and “who is coming to Christmas dinner and what to cook for them”. Now, don’t get me wrong, I like presents as much as the next guy and I REALLY like to eat but to have them as a priority this time of year kind of defeats the purpose that our spiritual forefathers set for our soul’s growth. The liturgical calendar (pericopes) is there for a reason. It aids us in refocusing on what truly is important, year long.

Jesus said, “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things (earthly needs) shall be added to you.” (Mt. 6:33) “Zeroing in” in our sins and the need to repent during this time of year and lifting up our heads and hearts to the One Who created and redeemed us, we find, again and again, that which is most important. Let us remember that the “red” colors prevalent symbolize the Son of God’s blood that was shed for our salvation. “Green” reminds us of everlasting life and Santa….well, he was a real pastor whose main love was to proclaim the Savior’s life, death and resurrection for us.  So, let us daily repent and trust in Him Who came for us and for our salvation.

He is coming again! Rejoice and prepare your hearts! In Jesus’ Name. Amen.