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finances anf love thank you
posted by: fab on 2/24/2015

Hello I am so sad for my brother Billy what n extremely sad life! Billy was deported from the USA 15 years ago without being able to come back . The authorities do not tell Billy when or if he could come back . Since in France Billy has behaved and been off drugs since 15 years. He goes to AA in a protestant church in Paris this is about all the religion Billy has He has no friends whatsoever he is 40 now No love whatsoever Billy has not had any girlfriend nor any love since 20 years can you immagine the extreme loneliness! Plus Billy is fat very overweight and he used to be thin! On top of that he has manic depression and he nas not worked in 20 years Please pray for Billy for his extremely lonely existence and uproductive existence . As an osteopath I know the cure for both obesity and manic depression but for some reason my parents and billy do not listen much. I know tht obese people are only mineral defficient same for manic depression which can be caused by lack of B3 But the problem is that minerals can be taken by suplements or juicing homemade vegetables and fruits . If you can pray please for Billy to take multi minerals everyday 3 times a day and do juicing to change his life And if you can pray for Billy to be healed from manic depression and do something he loves doing . He likes car maybe he could be mobile mecanic and go repear people's cars And if you can pray for Billy to have much love and compassion and find a girlfriend always to be happy and finally for Billy to find Jesus and to have a daily relationship with Jesus and the same for my parents Jacques and Suzanne And for me to be blessed financally and in finding love thank you
I will pray 48 people are praying.
posted by: Julie Fish on 11/27/2014

Please pray for the miracle if money, health, friends, support, love. Thank you.
I will pray 43 people are praying.
posted by: JANIS MOUTON. on 2/7/2014

I will pray 43 people are praying.
posted by: Phil Chavez on 12/15/2013

Please Pray GOD Blesses me to be able to always have money to pay bills, buy food, and help others. Please Pray GOD Blesses me financially to be able to buy Christmas presents this year; haven't had any money to buy Christmas Presents for 14 years. Thanks for your Prayers...Phil Chavez
I will pray 51 people are praying.
peace and finacial
posted by: mary on 11/17/2013

please pray for sales for my business I'm older it is difficult to find job and I pray for God'favor for my business to support me and my family...I pray for the right location and people to work here..I pray that my health will remain good and that I will be able to help a lot of people ..I pray to have no fear and to have God's peace.
I will pray 44 people are praying.
posted by: mary on 10/13/2013

please pray for a healing on the heal of my foot and knee to walk without pain and to heal completely soon ...I pray for God's peac.
I will pray 54 people are praying.
Prayer for strength
posted by: Martin on 2/6/2012

Ask for prayer for my health and future, and protection from all oppression and anxiety. Ask for strength to stand in my faith as a lutheran christian. Thank you and God bless you.
I will pray 130 people are praying.
posted by: on 1/23/2012

Prayer of thanks for a successful thymectomy surgery so far.
Amen! 125 people are praising.